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Monday, August 13, 2012

9 Things to Look for in a Quality Weight Loss Program

9  Things to Look for in a Quality Weight Loss Program

1. Safety: Can't stress this enough, according to the American Council on Exercise (ACE), a sound weight-loss program will encourage you to check with your healthcare provider before you get started. This meeting allows your provider a chance to offer any special precautions or guidelines based on your health status and should include a screening to assess your readiness for exercise.

Example: Before hiring a personal trainer, wellness coach, or taking a group exercise class talk with your physician about any activity restrictions you should be aware of and also make your trainer aware of as well.

2. Credibility: For best results, the program should have credentialed providers such as registered dietitians, certified fitness professionals, certified wellness coaches, behavioral health specialists (licensed psychologists or counselors) and such licensed medical professionals as physicians and registered nurses.
Candice "The Wellness RN" - Registered Nurse | Fitness Pro | Wellness Coach

Example: Pretty self-explanatory, only a licensed health and fitness professional may give nutritional advice within the educational scope of practice. Don't accept any nutrition advice from anyone selling a program with no prior health, nutrionals, and fitness background. They are operating outside of their scope of practice. A bank teller cannot prescribed or sell a weight loss plan to you. They are not properly educated nor licesened to do so.

3. Flexibility. Programs that demand adherence to a rigid diet or exercise plan set you up for failure. Look instead for programs that integrate your food and physical activity preferences. For long-term success, you‘ll need to adopt lifestyle changes you can live with.

Example: A diet - eliminates and restricts, whereas a weight loss, meal plan or nutrtion plan - supplements, or fulfills you as you obtain results. Proper monitoring of intake and output and finding the proper balance that works for your body is the key.

4. Realistic outcomes. “Lose 20 pounds in 1 week” may catch your eye, but the truth is that permanent weight loss happens slowly. Most experts recommend a weight loss rate of ½ pound up to a maximum 2 pounds per week for lasting results. Ask to see program outcomes data regarding average amount of weight lost and long-term follow-up results. If no data is available, or they won’t share it, consider it a red flag.

Example: Success Stories: they sound good, but are they real? Unless you are able to interview a live person actually working through the program, and check data of actual results, beware. Yes, everyBODY is different and have different metabolic needs to obtain the same results, but you must do your research. Don't always believe everything someone says, they are simple marketing what they want you to buy.

5. Self-monitoring. One study found that people who kept a daily food log lost twice as much weight as those who didn’t. Writing down what you’re eating keeps you accountable and makes you think twice about going back for seconds. Keeping an exercise record can be extremely motivating as you review your progress and see how far you’ve come. And regular weighing, whether daily or weekly, has been linked to greater amounts of moderate weight loss and less weight regain.

Example: Journal, Journal, Journal! If you don't know where you started, then how can you know where you are going? Keeping track of progress and pitfalls in a weight loss program is paramount to lasting success. It keeps you accountable for your role in the process as well as helps pinpoint areas in need of improvement.

6.Sensible nutrition. Avoid programs that eliminate entire food categories, such as fruit, grains, or fats. According to the American Dietetic Association, all foods fit in a healthy diet. Plans that advocate special combinations of foods, certain foods in unlimited quantities, or are too restrictive, don’t work.

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Example: "Meal replacement shakes": check the content, supplemental shakes are okay as long as they provide a balanced set of nutrients and you are balancing your intake with regular meals that provide an assortment of healthy food choices.

7. Regular exercise. Getting active and staying active is the cornerstone to maintaining a healthy body weight. Exercise optimizes conditions in the brain for enhanced learning and decision-making. That’s extra brainpower to help you adopt healthier habits and to keep you on track. It’s also a great mood-elevator, boosts metabolism and can help counteract emotional eating. A weight loss program should encourage you to find ways to make physical activity a part of your everyday life.

Work your brain & your body!

Example: Beware of diets that make false claims of minimal to no physical activity required to lose weight. Not the case. Weight management in its most basic form is about intake and output. Without proper nutrition the body will not function properly, without phycial exercise the body is unable to rid itself of any excess wastes, fats, etc. that it no longer needs to maintain a healthy internal balance, plus you deprive your body of the other physical and emotional benefits of physical activity.

8. Cognitive changes. Learning to think in new ways is essential for long-term success. A reputable program will help you replace faulty thinking patterns with positive, productive ways of thinking that support your health goals.

 Example: Replace “I’ll never lose weight” with “I’m learning how to better manage obstacles to healthy eating, and I’m making better choices every day.”

9. Believable claims and no pressure. Walk away from any program that pressures you to buy special foods, supplements, pills, or gadgets or promises a quick fix. There are no magic pills to “melt your fat away.” Sustainable weight loss requires a significant effort and a sensible approach, and with the right support, expertise, and guidance, you can make it happen.

Example: Sit down with a Health & Fitness professional or Wellness Coach, come up with a plan that works best for you and your lifestyle.

Currently I am accepting clients for Fall/Winter 2012-2013!
Registration deadline is Sept. 1, 2012

Candice "The Wellness RN" - Registered Nurse | Fitness Pro | Wellness Coach
Contact me: candicehubbard@gmail.com